Pearl obstetrics | gynaecology

Gyno issues

  • Gynaecology
    Call us for an appointment to assess your problem.

Gynaecology | gyno problems – Glengarry Private Hospital

Private Perth gynaecologist, Dr Mark Sillender

A gynaecologist (or gyno) is a specialist physician/surgeon who can manage gynaecological (gyno) problems using a variety of medical, surgical (often keyhole surgery) and other techniques, aiming for optimal results.

Gynaecologist Consultations

To make a gyno appointment with us at Glengarry Private Hospital, Perth, give us a call. If you have private medical insurance you will need a GP’s referral for medicare rebates & (if you’re admitted to hospital or have gyno surgery) wish to have the hospital’s costs covered. If you don’t have private medical insurance, you’ll still need a GP referral to access Medicare rebates for your gynae consultations & treatment. If you have hospital treatment, non-insured patients have to cover the Glengarry hospital fees out of pocket. This is an option for non-insured patients who want to avoid public waiting times, or choose their Perth gynaecologist.

Gyno conditions

We provide diagnosis & treatments to help deal with the following gyno problems, among others. Call us at our rooms opposite Glengarry Private Hospital, Perth, and book an appointment with us today.

Period problems

Heavy periods are common at the start of reproductive life in a woman’s teens and forties. Gynaecologists have many different options to deal with this heavy bleeding. Irregular bleeding is also common in teens & forties. Painful periods can be a problem at any time and can be associated with heavy periods and/or general pelvic pain.


Pelvic pain – both acute & chronic

Pelvic pain is common and has a large number of potential causes. It’s common for women to have their diagnosis delayed for many years as they think their pain is “normal”, and do not get referral to a gynaecologist. The classic gynaecological cause for pain is endometriosis. A laparoscopy at Glengarry Hospital, Perth is often needed to both diagnose & treat this (sometimes) difficult to manage condition.


Ovarian cysts & tumours

Ovarian cysts are caused by several different processes, that can be divided broadly into tumours, endometriosis-filled cysts, and, most commonly cysts caused by disorders of ovulation (functional cysts). Gynaecological care can be needed if resolution doesn’t occur.


Cervical smears

We deal with all types of abnormal PAP & Thinprep smears, using colposcopy in our Glengarry Hospital, Perth rooms to assess the extent of the problem.



Bladder problems are common, especially later in life. Many are the consequence of pregnancy & vaginal birth. Compensation using other muscles can occur when younger, but as the body ages this becomes less possible, and symptoms occur, which require a gynaecologist to diagnose & treat.


Gynaecological keyhole surgery

We offer all standard gynaecological surgery via Glengarry Private Hospital, Perth. Most gyno procedures are completed using keyhole surgery, leaving small scars with faster recovery. The latest technology is used to enhance safety during the operation itself. Modern devices can limit the small risks of damage to adjacent organs and enhance overall results.



We offer state-of-the-art fertility management in conjunction with PIVET fertility centre in Perth, if this is needed. Initial gyno assessment & management including surgery is often handled through our rooms at Glengarry Private Hospital, Perth.



We offer all the standard contraceptive techniques through our rooms near Glengarry Hospital, Perth.



Menopause is a time of great change. Mood changes including anxiety & depression, symptoms of hot flushes, sweats, memory loss, poor sleep, sexual dysfunction are all common and amenable to gynaecological treatment.

  • Assessment
  • Optimal use of HRT
  • PMB – bleeding


Vulval dermatoses and vulval problems

  • Vulvoscopy
  • Vulval biopsy
  • Vulvoplasty & labiaplasty


Hormonal issues

Hormonal problems are a major part of gynaecological practice. We can help alleviate symptoms and improve risk factors that may affect future health, both gynaecological and non-gynaecological.



Sympathetic & responsive investigation and management of miscarriage and related issues.

  • ERPC
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Prevention
  • Ectopic pregnancy


Need to see a gyno or have some surgery

Call us today for an appointment.

PEARL obstetrics | gynaecology

Our office is situated near Glengarry Private Hospital in Perth. We provide easy free parking. We're easily accessible from Joondalup, Hillarys, Stirling, Currambine, Ocean Reef, Beldon, Connolly, Edgewater, Wanneroo, Burns Beach, Sorrento, Padbury, Marmion, Watermans Bay, North Beach, Karrinyup, Gwelup, Carine, Balcatta, Westminster, Mirrabooka, Malaga, Hamersley, Koondoola, Girrawheen, Marangaroo, Greenwood, Warwick, Madeley, Darch, Wangara, Kallaroo, Craigie, Heathridge, Woodvale, Scarborough, Doubleview, Innaloo, Osbourne Park, Wembley Downs, Tuart Hill, Trigg, North Beach. The Western suburbs (Cottesloe, Claremont, City Beach, Floreat, Swanbourne) are all within easy reach.